
3’Hi playlist feat. @3feethi

Spotify Playlists Mar 04, 2023

We've created the best 3’Hi Spotify playlist that includes all the music recently featured in @3feethi's Instagram Stories and Posts. Read more, or listen to the best 3’Hi (@3feethi) playlist on Spotify.

What is in 3’Hi's Spotify playlist?

# Name Artist Album
1 London Riot DJ Lag Goon Club Allstars & Friends, Volume 1
2 Let’s Get This Sally C Big Saldo’s Chunker 001
3 Take Me Up - Mr G's taken Dub Tatie Dee Purple Wave
4 Moving The Maghreban Connection
5 I Love Yo Byron the Aquarius I Love Yo

3’Hi (@3feethi): The Creative Collective with a Passion for Music

3’Hi ( @3feethi ) is a creative collective that specializes in events, bookings, and public relations. With their finger on the pulse of the music scene, they are known for curating exciting, genre-defying lineups that showcase some of the most innovative and boundary-pushing acts around.

Their passion for music is evident in everything they do. From throwing parties to promoting emerging talent, 3’Hi ( @3feethi ) has quickly become one of the most influential players in the industry.

Founded by Lady Shaka and River Moon, 3’Hi ( @3feethi ) has grown rapidly since its inception. They have worked with some of the biggest names in music, including Beyoncé and DJ Lag. Their events are known for being immersive experiences that transport attendees to another world.

With their keen eye for talent and dedication to pushing boundaries, it's no wonder that has chosen to feature them as part of their latest playlist. The best 3’Hi playlist by features a carefully curated selection of tracks that perfectly encapsulate the collective's unique sound and style.

Discover the Best of 3’Hi (@3feethi) with’s Latest Playlist

If you're looking for a playlist that perfectly captures the sound and style of 3’Hi (@3feethi), then look no further than's latest offering. This playlist features a carefully curated selection of tracks that showcase some of the most exciting and innovative music around.

The best thing about this playlist is that it's updated regularly, so you can be sure that you're always listening to the latest music from some of the most exciting artists around. By using the latest music shared in Instagram stories by 3’Hi (@3feethi), provides an unrivaled social curation of the best music right now based places you go and people you follow.

So why wait? Click on the playlist above to open it in Spotify and start listening right away. This is your chance to discover new music, broaden your horizons, and find your next favorite artist. With its infectious beats, catchy melodies, and boundary-pushing soundscapes, this playlist is sure to keep you hooked from start to finish.

The Best of the Best:’s 3’Hi (@3feethi) Playlist Features Some of Today’s Most Exciting Artists's latest playlist, featuring music shared by the Instagram account 3’Hi (@3feethi), is a veritable who's who of some of today's most exciting artists. From DJ Lag to Sally C, this playlist features a diverse range of musicians and styles that are sure to keep you hooked from start to finish.

One standout artist featured in this playlist is The Maghreban. Known for his unique blend of electronica, house, and techno, The Maghreban has been making waves in the music scene for years. His tracks are characterized by their infectious beats and catchy melodies, making them perfect for any dancefloor.

Another artist featured in this playlist is Sally C. With her unique blend of house and disco, Sally C has quickly become one of the most exciting DJs around. Her tracks are characterized by their upbeat energy and infectious grooves, making them perfect for any party or night out on the town.

Whether you're a fan of experimental electronica or deep soulful house, there's something for everyone in's latest playlist. So why wait? Click on the playlist above to open it in Spotify and start listening right away!

From Electronic to Experimental R&B: Discover the Diverse Range of Genres Featured in’s 3’Hi (@3feethi) Playlist's latest playlist, featuring music shared by the Instagram account 3’Hi (@3feethi), is a veritable smorgasbord of musical genres. From gqom to escape room, this playlist features a diverse range of styles that are sure to suit every mood and occasion.

If you're looking for something upbeat and energizing, then the playlist's selection of electronica and bassline tracks might be just what you need. With their pumping beats and catchy melodies, these tracks are perfect for getting you motivated and ready to tackle any challenge.

On the other hand, if you're in the mood for something more introspective or emotional, then the playlist's selection of indie R&B and alternative tracks might be just what you need. With their soulful vocals and heartfelt lyrics, these tracks are perfect for those moments when you just need to take a step back and reflect on life.

Whether you're working out at the gym or taking a leisurely stroll through nature, there's something for every mood and activity in's latest playlist. So why wait? Click on the playlist above to open it in Spotify and start exploring today!

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